News   July 19 2022

NanoLearning strengthens work with children's rights

Nu tar länsstyrelserna i Skåne och Halland NanoLearning till hjälp för att få extra skjuts i arbetet för att utveckla och stärka tillämpningen av barns rättigheter.

Information security
small and lonely child in city environment in front of a grafitti wall

Verklig förändring tar tid. Och måste få ta tid. Photo:

The country's county administrations are tasked with developing and strengthening the application of children's rights both in their own operations and providing support to municipalities and regions.  To help them, the employees of the county administrative boards have tools in the form of knowledge and method support for examining the best interests of the child.  The challenge is to get more people to apply the rights of the child in their own business and make use of the knowledge support  Now the county administrations in Skåne and Halland are using NanoLearning to get an extra boost in that work.

Martina Holmgren works as a development strategist at the county board in Skåne and she sees great opportunities with NanoLearning as a method to introduce questions about children's rights.  It is about raising knowledge with an effective method and, not least, giving tips and advice on how the county board's employees can use the knowledge and method support that is already available.
- That is the effect we want to achieve and intend to measure.  Method support that few use is of no use, notes Martina Holmgren.

Part of a whole
The effort with NanoLearning around children's rights issues is part of a whole where the Skåne County Administrative Board offers the businesses physical workshops on the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its application in practice and other competence-enhancing efforts both internally and for other actors in the region.  Martina Holmgren is convinced that both parts are needed and she has received many positive reactions to the course based on NanoLearning.
- Many people appreciate the short format and that the introduction has a clear timetable so that you as a user know how often the lessons come and how long the course lasts.

Difference between voluntary and mandatory
The NanoLearning course in children's law is voluntary and is aimed at hand-picked employees.  Marketing and introducing a voluntary education in an organization where continuing education in other areas is often mandatory requires a lot of preliminary work and anchoring.
- At an early stage, we have informed and involved relevant managers and business development functions at the authority.  To get help in finding participants for the training, we have turned to unit and department heads at the two county administrative boards, says Martina Holmgren.  All participants have also received information about the structure, when the various training sections will come and what the training is about.

As a development strategist, she sees great opportunities to use NanoLearning as a method in other related issues.  Like for example.  equality integration, or integration of human rights.
- Actually, all areas where we have different types of work or method support and where employees both need knowledge about why an issue is important and how to then work with it, says Martina Holmgren.

The next step will now be to evaluate the results of the first course and then analyze and move on.

Per Lagerström
News   July 19 2022