Junglemap AI Trial Terms of Use

Junglemap NanoLearning AI Trial is an AI generated service. By using the service, including generating content based on information you upload to the service, you confirm on behalf of your organisation that you:

i) will inform the end user that the content is AI generated,

ii) will only use the service in accordance with applicable laws and regulations,

iii) will not include personal data in the information you upload to the service,  

iv) will not use the service for fraudulent or deceptive activity, including disinformation or spam,

v) will not use the service for political campaigning or lobbying,

vi) will not use the service as a tool to replace legal, medical or financial advice, 

vii) will not use the service for adult content, adult industries or dating apps, and

viii) if you represent a government body, you will not use the service for high-risk government decision-making. 

You are solely responsible for the information you have included in the service and that the content you have generated by using the service is suitable for your intended purpose. 

We reserve the right to update these terms as we learn more about use and abuse of AI generated services.

Otherwise, Junglemap's general terms of service apply in full to the use of the service.

Terms of Service

The following terms of service ("ToS") apply for your use of the service. If you are using the service on behalf of a legal entity, you confirm that you have the necessary authority to act on behalf of that entity. In such an event, "you" shall refer to the legal entity you represent. "We"/"us" refers to Junglemap AS.  

We reserve the right to update these ToS as we learn more about the use and abuse of AI-generated services.

Restrictions and warranty

You may access and use the service as made available to you, subject to these ToS and applicable law.

You shall not upload any content that does not comply with these ToS or applicable law. You are solely responsible for having all necessary rights and licenses to the content you upload to the service and warrant to us that the uploaded content does not infringe any third-party intellectual property, e.g., copyright. You are solely responsible for the content that is generated by your use of the service, and disclosure of the generated content to your end users. 

Violation of this provision constitutes a material breach of these ToS.

License grant

You retain all of your intellectual property rights in your content. 

By uploading content to the service, you grant to us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, sublicensable license to use that content (including to reproduce, distribute, modify, display and perform it) for the purpose of operating, promoting, and improving the service.

The licenses granted by you continue for as long as you have access to the service, or until the content is removed from the service. After such point in time, we retain a limited license for as long as reasonably necessary to operate the service for internal purposes or to follow up any legal requirements or claims. 

Illegal content

If we reasonably believe that any of your content is in breach of these ToS or applicable law, we reserve the right to take down some or all of such content. Unless we are legally restricted from doing so, we will notify you with the reason for the take-down.

You are obliged to reasonably cooperate with us in the event of any request from us or a third party related to the take-down or follow-up of any take-down of content in accordance with these ToS.  

Suspension or termination

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account or your access to all or part of the service if (a) you materially or repeatedly breach these ToS, (b) we are required to do so to comply with a legal requirement or a court order, or (c) we reasonably believe that your conduct may cause liability or harm to us or any third party. Unless we are legally restricted from doing so, we will notify you with the reason for the termination or suspension.

Limitation of liability

We will not be responsible for losses that were not caused by our breach of these ToS. We will not be responsible for indirect losses, included but not limited to, loss of profits, loss of revenues or loss of data, loss of opportunity or anticipated savings.

Our total liability for any claims arising from or relating to the service is limited to an amount equal to the aggregate fee paid by you for your use of the service in the 12 months preceding the claim. The above limitations of liability do not apply in the event of gross negligence or willful misconduct. 

Personal data 

We will process your personal data in order to provide you with our services in accordance with our agreement with you and applicable legislation.  

Data Processing Agreement

This data processing agreement forms part of the ToS. In connection with your use of our e-learning platform, personal data regarding your employees or other personnel (including name, email, organizational affiliation, course information, test results and other information regarding an individual's use of the e-learning platform) may be transferred to and registered in our systems. You are the controller and we are the processor for the processing of such personal data under this data processing agreement.

You are responsible for ensuring that there is a valid legal basis for the processing of your personnel's personal data, and for that your personnel registered on the e-learning platform have been informed of their personal data being processed by us as specified in the ToS. We will only process personal data regarding your personnel as specified in this data processing agreement, and only to the extent reasonable and necessary in order to perform our obligations pursuant to the ToS, or in order to develop and improve our services.

We undertake to only process personal data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable law on the processing of personal data, including obligations to execute any necessary technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from random or illegal destruction or from random loss, unauthorized alteration, sharing or access, especially when the processing covers transfer of information in a network, and from any other illegal processing. In case of any deviations and discrepancies of this data processing agreement, or breach of the GDPR or other provisions concerning the protection of personal data, we will notify you without undue delay. You are responsible for notifying the applicable data protection authority and the data subject when required by law.

We will cooperate with you with respect to executing all reasonable technical and organizational measures in order to ensure that recorded personal data are correct and updated at all times. You are entitled to receive information from us about existing security documentation and relevant security measures taken. 

You may agree with us that security audits shall be carried out. You shall be responsible for the costs of the security audits if we agree on carrying out security audits in addition to our regular audits. We will cooperate with you in order to fulfil the data subjects right of access to information about themselves. We will ensure the deletion or correction of incorrect personal data on your instructions.

We will initiate all reasonable measures in order to delete the information within a reasonable time according to the purposes for collecting or processing the information, unless there exists a legal basis for keeping the information indefinitely. 

We will not give access to or disclose the information to third parties, unless it is necessary or permitted according to this data processing agreement, cf. the two following paragraphs, or permitted according to your written consent.

We use business partners in connection with the distribution and marketing of our e-learning platform. You are aware and accept that personal data regarding your personnel may be transferred to and processed by our business partners in the same manner, for the same purposes and with the same limitations as apply for our processing in accordance with this data processing agreement (i.e., as our sub-processors).

Our e-learning platform runs on the servers of a third party supplier (currently Microsoft), and you are aware and accept that personal data regarding your personnel will be transferred to and processed in the systems of the third party supplier for the purpose of performing the ToS. All customer data are stored within the EEA. The third-party supplier may also have access to the personal data from locations outside the EEA. We are responsible for entering into an agreement with the third-party supplier that ensures that the transfer of personal data to locations outside the EEA, at all times complies with the applicable legislation for such transfers in the EEA.

We will inform you in advance of the sub-processors which process personal data regarding your personnel.

Upon termination of this data processing agreement, you may request that all personal data regarding your registered personnel are transferred to you in a standard table format (e.g. Excel) on a suitable medium of our choice in exchange for coverage of any costs incurred by us.